class: center, middle  # Elixir In The Real World
with Nerves ### Steve Grossi @ Lessonly --- # The Plan 1. What is Nerves? 2. Talk to the world (blink an LED) 3. Connect to the network 4. Host a web app on the LAN 5. Shout it to the world (Tweet button) --- class: center, middle # 1. What is Nerves? ## Tools to run Elixir on embedded hardware --- # What Is Nerves? **A Platform**
A 12MB Linux distro that uses erlinit to boot directly into your OTP app **A Framework**
IO, network, hardware drivers and more **A Toolset**
mix tasks for managing builds, configuration, firmware []( --- # Why Elixir for Hardware? - Requires few resources (Erlang VM was built for ‘80s telephone switches) - High availability & fault tolerance baked in - Capability without external dependencies thanks to OTP (key-value storage with ETS, database with Mnesia, etc.) - First-class [support for binary data]( - Hot code swapping (e.g. update firmware on a drone *in flight*!) --- # My Hardware
- A Raspberry Pi 3 - Power supply - Micro SD card (with adapter) - Breadboard w/ jumper wires - LEDs - Pushbutton switch --- # Installing Nerves ## Dev Dependencies ```sh $ brew update $ brew install erlang $ brew install elixir $ brew install fwup squashfs coreutils ``` []( --- # Installing Nerves ## Nerves ```sh $ mix local.hex $ mix local.rebar $ mix archive.install ``` --- # mix The Nerves bootstrap archive gives us a `` Mix task: ```sh $ mix hello_nerves ``` Then we specify target hardware and fetch deps: ```sh $ cd hello_nerves $ export MIX_TARGET=rpi3 $ mix deps.get ``` --- # Nerves Projects They’re Just Mix Projects! ```sh /hello_nerves /config config.exs (application config) /lib /hello_nerves application.ex hello_nerves.ex /rel config.exs (release config) /test mix.exs mix.lock ``` Consider umbrella projects, too. --- class: center, middle # 2. Talk to the World ## Blink an LED --- # Adding the `elixir_ale` Dependency ```elixir # Specify target specific dependencies def deps("host"), do: [] def deps(target) do [ {:nerves_runtime, "~> 0.1.0"}, {:"nerves_system_#{target}", "~> 0.11.0", runtime: false}, {:elixir_ale, "~> 0.5.7"} ] end ``` And `$ mix deps.get` --- # Config ```elixir # config/config.exs config :hello_nerves, :led_pin, pin: 26 ```  --- # Config We can also specify hardware-specific config: ```elixir # import_config "#{Mix.Project.config[:target]}.exs" ``` --- # Our OTP App ```elixir @led_pin Application.get_env(:hello_nerves, :led_pin) def start(_type, _args) do Logger.debug "Starting pin #{@led_pin} as output" {:ok, pin} = Gpio.start_link(@led_pin, :output) spawn fn -> blink_led_forever(pin) end {:ok, self()} end defp blink_led_forever(pin) do Logger.debug "Blinking pin #{@led_pin}" Gpio.write(pin, 1) :timer.sleep(500) Gpio.write(pin, 0) :timer.sleep(500) blink_led_forever(pin) end ``` --- # Building & Burning Firmware Build the firmware: ```sh $ mix firmware ``` Burn it to the SD card: ```sh $ mix firmware.burn Discovered devices: 0) 29.81 GiB found at /dev/rdisk3 1) 115.69 GiB found at /dev/rdisk2 Which device do you want to burn to? 0 100% Elapsed time: 1.429s ``` --- class: center, middle # Demo Time! --- class: center, middle # 3. Connecting to the Network ## Internet, meet Thing --- # nerves_interim_wifi ```elixir def deps(target) do [ {:nerves_runtime, "~> 0.1.0"}, {:"nerves_system_#{target}", "~> 0.11.0", runtime: false}, {:elixir_ale, "~> 0.5.7"}, {:nerves_interim_wifi, "~> 0.2.0"}, ``` and `$ mix deps.get` --- # Kernel Modules Often platform-specific: ```elixir # mix.exs def project do [app: :hello_nerves, # ... kernel_modules: kernel_modules(@target), # ... end # Broadcom wifi driver def kernel_modules("rpi3"), do: ["brcmfmac"] def kernel_modules("rpi2"), do: ["8192cu"] def kernel_modules("rpi"), do: ["8192cu"] def kernel_modules(_), do: [] ``` --- # Configuration ```elixir # config/config.exs config :hello_nerves, :wlan0, ssid: "network", key_mgmt: :"WPA-PSK", # :NONE if no password psk: "password" ``` --- # Our OTP App ```elixir @interface :wlan0 @kernel_modules Mix.Project.config[:kernel_modules] || [] def start(_type, _args) do # ... children = [ worker(Task, [fn -> init_kernel_modules() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.KernelModules), worker(Task, [fn -> init_network() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.Network), ] # ... end def init_kernel_modules() do Enum.each(@kernel_modules, & System.cmd("modprobe", [&1])) end def init_network() do opts = Application.get_env(:hello_nerves, @interface) Nerves.InterimWiFi.setup(@interface, opts) end ``` --- class: center, middle # Burn Firmware and Demo --- class: center, middle # 4. Host a Web App on the LAN ## What’s going on in there? --- # Plug and Cowboy ```elixir # mix.exs def deps(target) do [ {:nerves_runtime, "~> 0.1.0"}, {:"nerves_system_#{target}", "~> 0.11.0", runtime: false}, {:elixir_ale, "~> 0.5.7"}, {:nerves_interim_wifi, "~> 0.2.0"}, {:cowboy, "~> 1.0.0"}, {:plug, "~> 1.0"} ``` and `$ mix deps.get` --- # Add Plug to our Application ```elixir children = [ worker(Task, [fn -> init_kernel_modules() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.KernelModules), worker(Task, [fn -> init_network() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.Network), Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec(:http, HelloNerves.Router, [], [port: 4000]) ] ``` --- # Our Plug Router ```elixir defmodule HelloNerves.Router do use Plug.Router plug Plug.Logger plug :match plug :dispatch get "/" do send_resp(conn, 200, "Hello from Nerves!") end match _ do send_resp(conn, 404, "Oops!") end end ``` --- class: center, middle # Burn Firmware and Demo --- # Update App State via the Web Time to split our app up a bit: ```elixir children = [ worker(Task, [fn -> init_kernel_modules() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.KernelModules), worker(Task, [fn -> init_network() end], restart: :transient, id: Nerves.Init.Network), Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec(:http, HelloNerves.Router, [], [port: 4000]), worker(HelloNerves.Store, []), worker(HelloNerves.Blinker, []) ] ``` --- # The Store ```elixir defmodule HelloNerves.Store do @defaults %{ blink_ms: 1000 } def start_link do Agent.start_link(fn -> @defaults end, name: __MODULE__) end def get(key) do Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Map.get(&1, key)) end def put(key, value) do Agent.update(__MODULE__, &Map.put(&1, key, value)) end end ``` --- # The Store in Use ```elixir # lib/hello_nerves/blinker.ex defp blink_led_forever(pin) do Logger.debug "Blinking pin #{@led_pin}" blink_ms = HelloNerves.Store.get(:blink_ms) # New! Gpio.write(pin, 1) :timer.sleep(blink_ms) Gpio.write(pin, 0) :timer.sleep(blink_ms) blink_led_forever(pin) end ``` --- # The New Plug Router Function ```elixir get "/blink/:milliseconds" do HelloNerves.Store.put(:blink_ms, String.to_integer(milliseconds)) send_resp(conn, 200, "Set blink duration: #{milliseconds}ms") end ``` --- class: center, middle # Burn Firmware and Demo --- class: center, middle # 5. Shout It to the World ## Tweetus ex Machina --- # Detecting Button Presses  [thanks ]( --- # Configuration ```elixir # config/config.exs config :hello_nerves, :input_pin, 16 ``` --- # New `Listener` Process ```elixir defmodule HelloNerves.Listener do require Logger @input_pin Application.get_env(:hello_nerves, :input_pin) def start_link do Logger.debug "Starting input on pin #{@input_pin}" {:ok, pid} = Gpio.start_link(@input_pin, :input) spawn fn -> listen_forever(pid) end {:ok, self()} end # ... ``` --- # New `Listener` Process ```elixir defmodule HelloNerves.Listener do # ... defp listen_forever(pid) do Gpio.set_int(pid, :both) loop() end defp loop do receive do {:gpio_interrupt, p, :rising} -> Logger.debug "Received rising event on pin #{p}" {:gpio_interrupt, p, :falling} -> Logger.debug "Received falling event on pin #{p}" end loop() end ``` --- # Connecting to Twitter ```elixir # mix.exs def deps(target) do # ... {:extwitter, "~> 0.8"}, # Are these really necessary? {:oauther, "~> 1.1.0"}, {:poison, "~> 2.2.0"}, # config/config.exs config :extwitter, :oauth, [ consumer_key: "app_key", consumer_secret: "app_secret", access_token: "my_token", access_token_secret: "my_token_secret" ] ``` --- # Updating the Listener Process ```elixir defmodule HelloNerves.Listener do # ... defp loop do receive do {:gpio_interrupt, p, :rising} -> Logger.debug "Received rising event on pin #{p}" set_time() # I’ll explain this in a sec... ExTwitter.update """ I posted this tweet at @indyelixir by pressing a button on a Raspberry Pi! Thanks @NervesProject! #myelixirstatus """ ``` --- # So, about Time... The pi doesn’t know what time it is. OAuth depends on an accurate clock. ```elixir defp set_time do "Setting system time" response = HTTPoison.get! "" json = Poison.decode!(response.body) dt_string = json["formatted"] Logger.debug "Setting date #{inspect(dt_string)}" System.cmd("date", ["-s", dt_string]) end ``` --- class: center, middle # Burn Firmware and Demo --- # Additional Resources - []( - [“Building Devices with Elixir and Erlang using Nerves”]( - Justin Schneck @ Erlang Factory 2017 - [“Get Cooking With Nerves”]( - Garth Hitchens @ ElixirDaze 2017